Cerebrium and its community keep a library of popular pre-built models that you can deploy using one click. If you would like any pre-built models added you can:

  • Submit PR on GitHub All our prebuilt models live here so submit a PR or one you would like to contribute to the community. Instructions in the README :)
  • Contact the Cerebrium team and we will see what we can do

You can navigate to the Cerebrium Prebuilts GitHub where you can find the source code for each of the models. You can then clone these repositories as a starting point.

Each model’s folder is a cortex deployment that can be deployed using the cerebrium deploy command. Navigate to the folder of the model you would like to deploy and run the command.

cerebrium deploy <<your-name-for-your-model>>

Check out the available models through your Cerebrium dashboard or by reading our docs in the Prebuilt Models tab!