Cerebrium gives to access to persistent storage to store model weights, files and much more. This storage volume persists across your project, meaning that if you refer to model weights or a file created in a different deployment, you will be able to access it!

This allows you to load in model weights more efficiently as well as reduce the size of your deployment container images. Currently, the volume can be accessed through /persistent-storage in your container instance, should you wish to access it directly and store other artifacts.

While you have full access to this drive, we recommend that you only store files in directories other than /persistent-storage/cache, as this and its subdirectories are used by Cerebrium to store your models. As a simple example, suppose you have an external SAM model that you want to use in your custom deployment. You can download it to the cache as such:

import os
import torch

file_path = "/persistent-storage/segment-anything/model.pt"
# Check if the file already exists, if not download it
if not os.path.exists("/persistent-storage/segment-anything/"):
    response = requests.get("https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/segment_anything/sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth")
    with open(file_path, "wb") as f:

# Load the model
model = torch.jit.load(file_path)
... # Continue with your initialization

Now, in subsequent deployments, the model will load from the cache rather than download it again.

Increasing your Persistent Storage Size

Once increased, your persistent storage size cannot be decreased.

By default, your account is given 50GB of persistent storage to start with. However, if you find you need more (for example, you get an error saying disk quote exceeded) then you can increase your allocation using the following steps:

  1. Check your current persistent storage allocation by running:
cerebrium storage get-capacity

This will return your current persistent storage allocation in GB.

  1. To increase your persistent storage allocation run:
cerebrium storage increase-capacity <number of GB to increase by>

This will return a confirmation message and your new persistent storage allocation in GB if successful.